I just had a 'light-bulb' moment about feelings 😃
They are nothing more than an indicator that shows me if I am using my mind wisely in this very moment. A little bit like an alarm clock - when I start to feel irritated, annoyed, down etc. - it's telling me to take a break from my personal thinking.
This is really funny to me - when I think about how much time I've spent analyzing them, trying to find out what they mean, where they came from, when I first had this particular feeling, giving them a name, giving them a color, trying to 'feel them through til the end'... doing all kinds of things in an innocent attempt to somehow find out what I could do to feel better ❤️
But it's way simpler than that!
The feelings are always happening right now - there is no need to analyze them and start digging up the past about it. When I think about a painful memory from the past, the thinking and the feelings are still happening right now.
As soon as I start to feel low, I know my mind is going in an unhealthy direction - away from my innate well-being, away from wisdom, all caught up in personal thinking.
To notice the feeling that gets created by that can help me to wake up to the fact of thought. To the fact that I'm creating my personal experience by my own thinking. And suddenly 'the
spell' is broken - I can see that the thoughts and the feelings will pass on their own, new thoughts and feelings will come in, I don't have to do anything about it.
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