I saw something new today and I hope I can express it in a way that might be helpful.
I'm still dealing with some chronic pain issues. Even though it got way easier to deal with it since learning about the principles, during the last weeks I was still trying to find out
more about it, especially about the brain science. I found some interesting stuff, some things helped me understand better that there's actually nothing wrong in my body. But it also got me confused about a few things. Today simplicity showed up. 🥰
After listening to a 3P talk yesterday one sentence stayed with me: 'From a different level of consciousness, this problem doesn't exist'. I didn't connect it to my pain issue, but it
felt important. This morning I had a very nice talk with Chana Studley and
afterwords my mind was kind of blank (in a good way) and I felt ready to give up all the reading about the brain science.
Chana asked me (again) if there were moments when I'm not aware of the pain. In the past I tended to disregard the question - I thought just because I'm not aware of it for a moment
that doesn't 'count' as the pain not being there. Today I suddenly noticed that. That I still looked at the pain as something 'solid'. And I realized: it's not. It's only an
experience in my awareness. When I'm not aware of it, it's not happening.
And suddenly it became very very clear to me:
chronic pain is not physical, it has no 'substance' - it is pure brain activity. Brain activity is thought.
The pain itself IS JUST THOUGHT!
It's so amazing and so simple ❤️ And I'm so grateful to realize, there is always another option, a deeper understanding possible - even if I can't see it yet!
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