
There is no gap...

During the last weeks I'm realizing more and more how often my personal thinking creates a gap between where I am and where I think I should be. What my life looks like and how it should look like. How my partner behaves and how he should be behaving.

So much of my personal thinking is dedicated to finding all the wrongs, everything that doesn't fit into my belief system of how everything is supposed to be.

But I keep getting this image in my mind, something about the infiniteness of life. Something about the formless and the form - like there is this formless energy and all the forms (thoughts, feelings, circumstances) are popping up out of the formless and then disappearing into it again. And since the formless is infinite the forms are infinite too - it doesn't make any sense to want only certain forms, that fit into my personal judgement of what's good and how it 'should be'. 😊

Life has to be everything, it can't just be this thing or that thing. Because it's infinite. And this includes everything, even the things I don't like or that seem really strange to me. This brings such a sense of peace to me. Suddenly I can see there is no gap. I'm already there. Everything already is as it should be right now. And it keeps unfolding. Endlessly, in its own rhythm and time and pattern. It's not my job to try and control it or figure it out. ❤️

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