I'm feeling very happy today, so I thought I'd share my thoughts with you ❤️
In my original post they come with a song too, but I can't add that here - so please go to youtube and listen to Bob Marley's 'Three little birds' 😃
There is peace available, everywhere.
In each and every moment.
In this one infinite, everlasting moment.
All we have to do to become aware of it, is give up - everything.
Everything we think we are.
Everything we believe in.
But this 'giving up' doesn't have to be a big act.
It's not a task to plan for next week or next month or next year.
It happens right now.
Very gently, very simple, very quietly.
Just listen to life.
Just for an instant. That's enough.
Listen to the birds. Listen to your neighbors arguing.
Listen to your cats making funny sounds while they are dreaming. Listen to the ringing in your ears. 😃
I don't care what you are listening to.
Just fall awake, to being alive, right here, right now.
All you give up is illusionary anyway.
There is nothing to lose.
But everything to find.
Peace. Love. Contentment. Happiness.
The realization, that you never left that safe and happy home you are looking for.
The deep knowing, that a good outcome to all things is for sure.
The end of the search.
Just for a moment ❤️
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