When we talked about 'techniques' yesterday in a zoom call I thought about how my view on using techniques has changed. During the years of feeling sick I've tried everything I could think of. When I met Chana I was very much into techniques - I was doing neurofeedback, coherence-training, breathing techniques, meditations, neuroplasticity techniques... I was even wearing a 'breathing tracker', that would vibrate when my breathing got too shallow. After doing the painless program with Chana I dropped a lot of it, because I could see how it kept me busy and very focused on the symptoms.
But I still went on learning about neuroplasticity and kept thinking I need to somehow 'fix my brain'. After reading a really big book about neuroplasticity it suddenly occured to me, that
all the techniques were basically about self-soothing - about getting my nervous-system to realize that I'm safe and okay. At this point I had already experienced quite a few moments of
feeling deeply at peace without doing anything in particular (other than listening to the 3P understanding) - so suddenly the techniques felt obsolete. It felt like the 3P understanding is
kind of a 'short-cut' to realize this feeling of being safe.
And there was something else - it felt like using a technique was like buying into the thought/feeling that how I am right now is not okay. That something needs to be done about it. And it
felt to me, that this is not a message of safety for me. On the contrary - it creates a gap between where I am and where I should be.
Another thing I only realized a few weeks ago (with the help of an awesome insight of Jody Gibbs) is that it doesn't make any sense at all, to say the body has an innate capability to heal itself (especially when we leave it be without too much monitoring), but to insist on trying to fix the brain/nervous system. It has an innate capability to rebalance itself too!
So even though I still get scared and caught up and annoyed, techniques just don't seem to make sense to me right now. Just felt like sharing this - maybe it's helpful for anyone ❤️
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