Today I felt like I suddenly 'got' why everyone in the 3P community keeps saying 'look for a nice feeling'. It's not just because it's nice to be in a nice feeling (or because it calms you down or is good for your nervous system).
It's because all the answers, the inspiration, the wisdom come from hanging out in that nice feeling.
I always had it upside-down: First I'd try and figure out all my problems by thinking about them a lot, then after figuring everything out (which of course very rarely even happens) I could finally spend some time in the nice feeling.
But it's the other way round!
I just drop into that nice feeling and somehow all the problems disappear. It's like they figure themselves out.
And by this I don't mean that I'm now sitting on my couch the whole day, grinning like an idiot and doing nothing... I still do all kinds of stuff, it even sometimes feels like I have more ideas and am more creative, but it seems to me that the amount of thinking that is needed for that is somewhere in between 'very little' and 'zero'.
It strikes me as very funny - in a way it's the most perfect and most simple guiding system anyone could imagine: Just follow the nice feeling and you'll find all your answers and all the love and peace and understanding you need. But somehow we still manage to convince ourselves, that really digging into the annoying stuff, into all the problems and stressful thinking, is a better idea...
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