We can forget, but that's just part of our story, part of the illusion.
Something in that really touched me. I think it showed me the part in me where I often believe I have to somehow earn the Oneness, or find the Oneness, or change something about myself to come back to Oneness.
Listening to Syd I realized: There isn't anything else. I am part of the very fabric of life. I can never really get lost, I can only think I do.
And this very nice image popped up in my head, of each and every one of us being a teenie tiny little part of the vastness of Life / Consciousness. And how we are kind of 'unimportant', being such a teenie tiny part, but at the same time being completely irreplaceable. I am the only one that can be me. You are the only one who can be you. Your unique way of expressing life. And you are doing a very good job at being you. You can't go wrong with that. You might get covered up in some dust or loose sight behind some clouds, but you inherently always stay you. Your essence can't change. The beauty and love that you are stays always untouched, unharmed, eternally expressing the pure joy of being alive.
A little reminder, for me and for you. We never left Home.

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