Sometimes - for a very sweet moment - I can see that it is that simple. During the last weeks I've pondered a lot about this. How I am always suffering when I judge something as wrong. Doesn't matter if it's another person, circumstances, physical sensations, thoughts or feelings. The moment I believe in a judgement my mind makes up, I'm starting to suffer. And of course my mind gets very active in trying to figure out a way to change whatever is 'wrong'.
And I pondered about the nice feeling I fall into when I listen to Syd talking about the perfection of life. How even in the imperfection, it's perfect. How everything that is, is 'God in motion'.
And how Love is always the answer.
It's in a feeling of Love and Peace and Tranquility that we see something new. That problems disappear and new ways and solutions show up. That we find compassion for ourselves and others.
And even on a bigger scale, nothing good ever comes out of condemnation. Adding hate to an already hateful (or fearful) situation doesn't help. I think we sometimes are scared that no change will ever occur if we make peace with what is. That we have to fight to change the world.
But is that really true? Aren't we way more helpful and creative and inventive when we come from a loving, peaceful state of mind?
Do you know this feeling, when you are really caught up in something, and you talk to someone who deeply cares about you, and he/she doesn't buy into your story? You feel they really listen and have empathy for you, but they truly know you are perfectly okay, even though you can't see it right now?
That's the power of looking through the illusion. It's like it takes the energy away from the illusion and shines a light on the truth. I like that.
I like looking in that direction.
Kommentar schreiben
Christa Campsall (Dienstag, 26 Januar 2021 17:16)
Wonderful to read! That powerful, an oh so true, Sydney Banks quote is in the "My Guide Inside" curriculum for teens.