A little compilation

During the last weeks I had some thoughts popping up in my head again and again. You can see them below :) I'm not sure if I can explain what they mean to me, but they came with a very peaceful feeling, so I thought I'd share them anyway ... Maybe they bring up some nice feelings for you too.


'Stuff moves, not Time'

One evening shortly before bedtime I was sitting in my comfy reading/netflixing chair and listening to some very beautiful and quiet music. I looked around and suddenly it felt to me like the place from where I was looking was very clearly outside of time. In the 'blink of a second' it became so obvious to me, that there is no time. There is always only ever this moment. Everything else moves - things, thoughts, feelings. But not time. Time never moves. It is always now. So weird. I felt a tremendous sense of ease and rest, as if as if an underlying hurrying, that I didn't even knew was there, suddenly was gone.


'It's God's World, not mine'

I feel somehow shy in saying something about this. I feel it might sound strange, since we know our experience of our world is created by our own thinking. Or that it might sound like taking no responsibility for what's happening in the world. But somehow this thought is like a magic wand to me. It lets me see the world in love. It lets me see the perfection, even in the imperfection. It lets me see how small I am, a teeny tiny part of the infinite vast universe. It lets me see how unimportant my opinion on what others should be doing is. It lets me see the beauty and the love and the strength and the courage of other people. It lets me see the miracle of this thing we call live. It feels kind of sacred to me.


'I'm a Being, not a doing'

That's an easy one (to explain)! And even though it's an easy one it's a very fresh one for me - at least I saw a new layer of it. I'm a Being, not a doing! My worth and my okayness don't lie in what I'm doing. I don't have to be useful or effective to be allowed to be alive. Or to be happy. I shared a talk of George and Linda Pransky a short while back, where George talked about having thought 'being effective was the solution' before he met Syd. It made me realize how high up on my priority liste 'being effective' sits. And it made me question it. I realized it's not a rule, I simply put it up there. It's just a thought. So now I'm getting curious in putting something else up there, playing with it. And even seeing that the whole list is just a thought ... 




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