This is me.
I’m 44 years old and I live in Cologne in Germany.
I studied padagogics and I'm certified as a Natural Health Practitioner, but actually I’m running my own little shop in Cologne since about 15 years, selling waterfilter systems.
The shop is fun most of the time - I'm working with my husband and friends and that's lovely.
I’m living together with my husband and our two very sweet and very furry Birma cats, Mo and Mia.
I think I started reading some sort of psychological and spiritual books at the age of 16. I always felt the world is a bit crazy and there has to be some kind of different/better way to deal with everything. I met a lot of lovely people and had really nice experiences in the groups and trainings, but I always kept searching. After 22 years of looking into all kinds of therapies and meditation techniques - without even having any ‚big‘ problem I needed to work on - in 2015 I got sick with a chronic stress disease … Funny, right?
Actually I wasn't amused about that! I have been trained in so many relaxation techniques - getting a chronic stress disease seemed like a very strange joke the universe was playing on me.
So - what could I do - I searched some more. At some point I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and since nobody really knows what's the cause of it, and definitely not how to cure it, there are countless ideas out there about what might help, but mostly it doesn't …
In fall of 2019 I came across the TMS approach (Tension MindBody Syndrome - a term invented by Dr. John Sarno in the 1960s) and with this knew knowledge got a bit better for a while. Then I got worse - in hindsight I know why.
That's when I met Chana Studley, who introduced me to the Three Principles - a new understanding of the Mind, as discovered by Sydney Banks. I did her ‚Painless' program with her and she kindly invited me to be part of her facebook-group ‚TMS, chronic pain and the three principles‘ as an admin.
I’m enjoying helping in the group immensely! I met so many sweet and supportive and courageous people - I love the sharing and the support that’s happening there.
My life has changed pretty much since learning about the Three Principles. And I’m so very grateful to Chana for her guidance and support. Check out her new book 'Painless' and her offers as a coach!
I'd also like to give thanks to Dr. Dicken Bettinger, Dr. Bill Pettit, Dr. George Pransky, Nicola Bird and John El-Mokadem - their work has touched me deeply and I really appreciate what they are sharing. And most of all to Sydney Banks, whose insights into the nature of the human experience is simply beyond words.
I realized pretty soon after first learning about the Principles that I enjoy writing about all the new things I'm seeing.
That’s where the idea for this blog came from.
So - I hope you like it! And I hope it may bring hope and fresh thoughts to some who are struggling with chronic pain too.
If you'd like to connect with me you’re very welcome to join our facebook-group!